Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lake Glenbawn Classic 5k 26th January

Tough swims yesterday
5k swim with a 1k warm-up
The lake was looking good, fuller with more rain, but causing the water to be a little murky with some floating debris.
The forecast 40c weather arrived, together with warm water surface temperature.
Well done to the the organisors and water safety in managing this swim without incident

Statistics for Glenbawn:
- Air Temp. = Scorching
- Water Temp. = Warm
- Wind strength = 0 knots

Surprised my time was slower than what I expected. 6 minutes slower than last year and I thought I went harder. The warm water might have taken my strength (was measured at 28c but we swam through some warmer patches). It felt like the course may have been a little longer this year. Maybe an extra 100m per 1k lap.
We'll call that one a training swim

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